Research Cafe

The STEMM libraries present the West Hub Research Café on Sustainability taking place on the 25th of September 2024!



This is an opportunity to meet your peers outside your immediate research group or discipline, to further understanding, collaboration, and engagement across the West Cambridge site in a relaxed environment. All locations and sectors are welcome!

If you wish to connect with other researchers, raise your profile and be part of this community, join us on the 25th of September. We have limited places, sign up here!

 All subjects/fields, backgrounds and sectors are welcome. Our Research Cafés are a great place to connect with different companies, universities and subjects. 

Contact information: email, and phone number, +44 1223762725.



See here what participants say about the Research Café on our LinkedIn post.


Sustainability event Keynote: Claire Barlow 

The next Research Café is themed around Sustainability, and we are excited to announce that our keynote speaker will be Claire Barlow. Claire is a sustainability and materials engineer, currently serving as the President of the Cambridge Philosophical Society and has been a Senior Member at Newnham College since 1980. Claire's extensive experience includes roles as Course Director for the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos, Director of Undergraduate Education, Deputy Head of the Engineering Department with special responsibility for teaching, and Interim Head of the Department.

Sponsors and Collaborators: 


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