Research Showcase 2023

Research Showcase 2023

Sign-up for this event is now closed. You can still visit the West Hub on the 1st of November to see the posters presented on the 1st floor, open spaces.

See also the Research Café event on the 17th of January 2024.


The Postdocs of Cambridge Society joined the Research Cafe event, for the third annual Research Showcase 2023 open to be attended by anyone from any subject and sector!

We are excited to invite you to be a part of this event by participating as a presenter to talk about your research or share your research on a poster at the West Hub. The Research Showcase 2023 offers a unique opportunity for researchers from various fields and sectors to collaborate, share their work, and engage in a relaxed environment.

As a presenter, you will have the opportunity to showcase your research, interact with experts from different disciplines, and receive valuable feedback from the academic community. The Research Showcase aims to create a safe and supportive space where researchers from all levels and academics can explore interdisciplinary collaborations.

If you are interested in participating as a presenter with a poster or talk or would like to attend the event and learn more about the excellent research work presented, the Postdocs of Cambridge Society will call soon for abstract submission on the Postdocs of Cambridge Society page.


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